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Volume 12 Issues 2 & 3 (May & Sept. 1984)
The Lion and the Ass: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis (Chapters 44-50)
by Robert Sacks
Justice and Philosophy in Plato’s Republic: The Nature of a Definition
by Kent Moors
An Interpretation of Plato’s Euthyphro (Introduction; Part I, Sections 1-3)
by Marlo Lewis, Jr.
The Virtù of Women: Machiavelli’s Mandragola and Clizia
by Jack D’Amico
Rousseau’s Contract with and without his Inequality
by Jim MacAdam
The Denial of Perennial Problems: The Negative Side of Quentin Skinner’s Theory
by David Boucher
Libertarianism and Political Philosophy: A Critique of Robert Nozick’s Anarchy, State, and Utopia
by David Schaefer
DISCUSSION Spiritedness and Ethics and Politics: A Study of Aristotelian Psychology
by Laurence Berns
Rational Theologians and Irrational Philosophers: A Straussian Perspective
by Ernest Fortin
Walter Benjamin / Gershom Scholem
by Stanley Corngold & Michael Jennings
The Political Implications of Heidegger’s Being and Time: on Heidegger’s “Being and Time” and
The Possibility of Political Philosophy, by Mark Blitz
by Charles M. Sherover
Response to Sherover
by Mark Blitz
Algeny, by Jeremy Rifkin
by Will Morrisey
How Democratic is the Constitution? and How Capitalistic is the Constitution? edited by Robert A. Goldwin & William A. Schambra;
Statesmanship: Essays in Honor of Sir Winston S. Churchill edited by Harry V. Jaffa;
Winston Churchill’s World View by Kenneth W. Thompson;
Richard Hooker and the Politics of a Christian England by Robert K. Faulkner;
Education and Culture in the Political Thought of Aristotle by Carnes Lord;
Machiavelli’s New Modes and Orders: the Discourses on Livy by Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr.;
Rousseau’s Social Contract: the Design of the Argument by Hilail Gildin;
Rousseau’s State of Nature: the Discourse on Inequality by Marc F. Plattner
by Will Morrisey
Volume 12 Issue 1 (January 1984)
Gadamer on Strauss: An Interview
by Ernest L. Fortin
Hamlet: The Cosmopolitan Prince
by Paul A. Cantor
Hegel on the Source of Political Authority
by Michael H. Mitias
The Lion and the Ass: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis (Chapters 40-43)
by Robert Sacks
Discussion: Justice in Translation
by Joel B. Lidov
Exploring the Limits of Analytic Philosophy: A Critique of Nozick’s Philosophical Explanations
by Nicholas Capaldi
Character Names in Dostoevsky’s Fiction, by Charles E. Passage
reviewed by Joan Richardson
After Virtue by Alasdair MacIntyre; Nihilism: A Philosophical Essay, by Stanley Rosen
reviewed by Will Morrisey
Plato’s “Phaedo”: An Interpretation by Kenneth Dorter;
Averroës’ Three Short Commentaries on Aristotle’s “Topics,” “Rhetoric,” and “Poetics” edited and translated by Charles E. Butterworth;
Dissidence et philosophie au moyen age: Dante et ses antécédents by E.L. Fortin
reviewed by Will Morrisey
Volume 11 Issue 3 (September 1983)
Shakespeare’s Apology for Imitative Poetry: The Tempest and The Republic
by Barbara Tovey
Montesquieu’s Perception of His Audience for the Spirit of the Laws
by Anne M. Cohler
Ethics and Politics in the Work of Jürgen Habermas
by A. Anthony Smith
The Lion and the Ass: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis (Chapters 38 & 39)
by Robert Sacks
DISCUSSION Defending Socrates and Defending Politics: A Response to Stewart Umphrey
by Thomas West
Volume 11 Issue 2 (May 1983)
An Unspoken Theme in Plato’s Gorgias: War
by Arlene W. Saxonhouse
The Good Life, Slavery, and Acquisition: Aristotle’s Introduction to Politics
by Mary Nichols
Aristotle on Limits and Satisfactions of Political Life
by Catherine Zuckert
Temporal Royalties and Virtue’s Airy Voice in The Tempest
by Timothy Fuller
The Pursuit of Happiness in Jefferson, and its Background in Bacon and Hobbes
by Jeffrey Barnouw
The Lion and the Ass: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis (Chapters 35-37)
by Robert Sacks
Volume 11 Issue 1 (January 1983)
The Crito as a Mythological Mime
by Thomas Payne
The Invocation to the Georgics
by Eve Adler
Melville’s “Benito Cereno”: Civilization, Barbarism and Race
by William D. Richardson
Marx and Lenin
by Thomas G. West
The Lion and the Ass: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis (Chapters 31-34)
by Robert Sacks
Bureaucrats, Policy Analysis, Statesmen, Who Leads? edited by Robert A. Goldwin
by Joseph M. Bessette
Masters of International Thought and Morality and Foreign Policy, by Kenneth W. Thompson
by Robert F. Smith
Volume 10 Issues 2 & 3 (May & September 1982)
The Education of a Sophist: Aspects of Plato’s Protagoras
by Patrick Coby
Aristotle’s Art of Acquisition and the Conquest of Nature
by Warren R. Brown
Notes for a Reading of Augustine, Confessions, Book X
by Thomas Prufer
Machiavelli versus Dante: Language and Politics in the Dialogue on Language
by Larry Peterman
Shakespeare’s Caesar’s Plan
by David Lowenthal
Economics or Political Philosophy: Which Should Prevail in Public Policy?
by J. Harvey Lomax
The Lion and the Ass: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis (Chapters 25-30)
by Robert Sacks
DISCUSSION Notes Toward an “Apologia pro vita sua”
by George Anastaplo
Eros and Thumos
by Stewart Umphrey
Response to Umphrey
by David Bolotin
Volume 10 Issue 1 (January 1982)
The Life of Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, translated by J.E. Parsons & Whitney Blair
by Thomas Hobbes
The Undercover Hero: Odysseus from Dark to Daylight
by Mera J. Flaumenhaft
The Theology of Leviathan: Hobbes on Religion
by Richard Sherlock
Pleasure, Power, and Immortality
by Joseph J. Carpino
The Lion and the Ass: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis (Chapters 21-24)
by Robert Sacks
DISCUSSION Some Thoughts about Eva Brann’s Paradoxes of Education in a Republic
by Chaninah Maschler
The Truth of Freedom, by John M. Anderson
by Steven Gans
Volume 9 Issues 2 & 3 (September 1981)
The Rationality of Political Speech: An Interpretation of Aristotle’s Rhetoric
by Larry Arnhart
Manliness and Friendship in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar
by Jan H. Blits
The Winter’s Tale: The Triumph of Comedy over Tragedy
by Mary Nichols
On Bacon’s Advertisement Touching a Holy War
by Jerry Weinberger
On Sir William Temple’s Political and Philosophical Teaching
by John Parson’s Jr.
John Locke: Revolution, Resistance, or Opposition?
by Susan Power
The Politics of Performance: An Interpretation of Bolingbroke’s Political Theory
by Barry Cooper
Labor, the State, and Aesthetic Theory in the Writings of Schiller
by Philip J. Kain
Law as the Basis of the State: Hegel
by Michael H. Mitias
Dilthey’s Essay The Poetic Imagination: A Poetics of Force
by Stanley Corngold
Historicism and Statesmanship in the Reform Argument of Woodrow Wilson
by Kent A. Kirwan
Gadamer and Kant: The Critique of Modern Aesthetic Consciousness in Truth and Method
by Richard L. Velkley
Bertrand de Jouvenel: Order, Legitimacy, and the Model of Rousseau
by Robert C. Grady
Rawls and the Harried Mother
by William R. Marty
Ideology and Reality: The Ideologue’s Persuasion in Modern Politics
by Jürgen Gebhardt
Science, Morality, and Transnationalism
by Kenneth W. Thompson
DISCUSSION The Crisis of Contemporary Political Theory: On Jacobson’s Pride and Solace
by Peter T. Manicas
The Spirit of Liberalism, by Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr.
by Patrick Coby
Political Parties in the Eighties, edited by Robert A. Goldwin
by Will Morrissey
Volume 9 Issue 1 (August 1980)
The Lion and the Ass: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis (Chapters 11-20)
by Robert Sacks
Aeschylus’ Oresteia and the Origins of Political Life
by David K. Nichols
On the End of Thucydides’ Narrative
by John A. Wettergreen
On Halevi’s Kuzari as a Platonic Dialogue
by Aryeh L. Motzkin
Duncan Forbes’s Hume’s Philosophical Politics
by R.S. Hill
Harry A. Wolfson as Interpreter of Medieval Thought
by Aryeh L. Motzkin
Volume 8 Issues 2 & 3 (May 1980)
In Honor and Memory of Martin Diamond
The Writings of Martin Diamond: A Bibliography
by William Schambra
The Least Imperfect Government: On Martin Diamond’s “Ethics and Politics”
by Marvin Meyers
COMMENT The Politics of Martin Diamond’s Science
by Thomas J. Scorza
An Excerpt from “Lincoln’s Greatness”
by Martin Diamond
Martin Diamond on “Lincoln’s Greatness”
by William Schambra
The Lion and the Ass: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis (Chapters 1-10)
by Robert Sacks
What is Law: The Minos Reconsidered
by Judith Best
Rousseau’s Civil Religion
by Charles M. Sherover
Sartre and the Decadents
by Edith Hartnett
Zarathustra’s Dancing Song
by Laurence Lampert
Aspects of Identity and Alienation
by Nathan Rotenstreich
Progressivism and Political Science: The Case of Charles E. Merriam
by Glenn N. Schram
DISCUSSION The Defense of Liberty, Anastaplo’s The Constitutionalist
by Glen E. Thurow
Frederick D. Wilhelmsen’s Christianity and Political Philosophy
by Joseph J. Carpino
Thomas J. Scorza’s In the Times Before Steamships: Billy Budd, The Limits of Politics and Modernity
by Will Morrissey
Volume 8 Issue 1 (January 1979)
Preface to Hobbes politische Wissenschaft
by Leo Strauss
Falstaff in the Valley of the Shadow of Death
by Michael Platt
Reason and Obligation in Leviathan
by John F. Wilson
An Introduction to Locke’s First Treatise
by Michael P. Zuckert
Lordship and Bondage in Luther and Marx
by Abraham Rotstem
Tragedy in the State of Nature: Melville’s Typee
by Thomas J. Scorza
Volume 7 Issue 3 (September 1978)
An Unspoken Prologue to a Public Lecture at St. John’s (In Honor of Jacob Klein, 1899-1978)
by Leo Strauss
Coriolanus and Aristotle’s Magnanimous Man Reconsidered
by John Alvis
The “Linguistic Imperialism” of Lorenzo Valla and the Renaissance Humanists
by Lawrence J. Johnson
John Milton and Freedom of Expression
by Francis Canavan
Halifax: The Complete Trimmer Revisited
by J.E. Parsons, Jr.
Mill’s Concept of Happiness
by Fred R. Berger
Volume 7 Issue 2 (May 1978)
The Offense of Socrates: A Re-reading of Plato’s Apology
by Eva Brann
The Prometheus Story in Plato’s Protagoras
by Clyde Lee Miller
The Comic Remedy: Machiavelli’s “Mandragola”
by Mera J. Flaumenhaft
Volitional Anticipation and Popular Wisdom in Descartes
by Richard B. Carter
Alienation and the American Science of Politics
by John W. Coffey
Hannah Arendt’s The Life of the Mind, by Gerarld J. Galgan
reviewed by Will Morrisey, Gerald J. Galgan, Martin Nozick
Volume 7 Issue 1 (January 1978)
Francis Bacon and the Conquest of Nature
by Laurence Berns
Three Concepts of Freedom: Kant-Hegel-Marx
by Mieczyslaw Maneli
Notes from Charles Dickens’s Christmas Carol
by George Anastaplo
Legality and Illegality as Instruments of Revolutionaries in Their Quest for Power: Remarks Occasioned by the Outlook of Herbert Marcuse
by George Schwab
The Seven-Day Story
by Chanukah Maschler
Volume 6 Issue 3 (October 1977)
Socratic Politics and Self-Knowledge: An Interpretation of Plato’s Charmides
by Christopher Bruell
Nietzsche’s Lament of Ariadne
by Karl Reinhardt
The Moral Legitimacy of Governments
by Gershon Weiler
Volume 6 Issue 2 (May 1977)
Nietzsche and Liberation: The Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future
by Jensen, Pamela K.
Authority and Freedom: The Democratic Philosophy of Yves R. Simon
by Cochran, Clarke E.
Niebuhr’s Conception of Politics in the United States and the World
by Thompson, Kenneth W.
The Choice Between Perfectionism and Rawlsian Contractarianism
by Nielsen, Kai
Volume 6 Issue 1 (Fall 1976)
On the Theme of Plato’s Laches
by Umphrey, Stewart
An Interpretation of Fortescue’s De Laudibus Legum Angliae
by Pollingue, Mary
Three Cosmologies
by Carpino, Joseph
Reinhold Niebuhr and Contemporary Political Thought: A Review Article
by Schram, Glenn N.
Volume 5 Issue 3 (Spring 1976)
Revolution and the Formation of Political Soceity in the Social Contract
by Gildin, Hilail
Marx’s Critique of Philosophy
by Stern, Peter
Winston Churchill on Empire and the Limits of Politics
by Emmert, Kirk
Political Philosophy and the Right to Rebellion
by Berns, Laurence
Volume 5 Issue 2 (Winter 1975)
Leo Strauss: A Biography and Memorial, 1899-1973
by Cropsey, Joseph
A Reading of Sophocles’ Antigone: III
by Benardete, Seth
An Introduction to the Reading of Plato’s Laches
by Blitz, Mark
Locke’s Theory of Property
by Lemos, Ramon M.
Volume 5 Issue 1 (Summer 1975)
A Reading of Sophocles’ Antigone: II
by Benardete, Seth
Montaigne’s Intention and his Rhetoric
by Schaefer, David L.
Technology, Philosophy and Political Virtue: The Case of Billy Budd, Sailor
by Scorza, Thomas J.
by Platt, Michael
Volume 4 Issue 3 (Spring 1975)
Xenophon’s Anabasis
by Strauss, Leo
A Reading of Sophocles’ Antigone: I
by Benardete, Seth
Begetting and Belonging in Shakespeare’s Othello
by Flaumenhaft, Mera J.
The Law of Nature in the Christian Commonwealth: Hobbes’ Argument for Civil Authority
by Grady, Robert C., II
Volume 4 Issue 2 (Winter 1974)
Homeric Honor and Thucydidean Necessity
by Engeman, Thomas S.
Theory and Practice in the Founding of the Republic
by Allen, W.B.
Intellectual Biography as a Form of the History of Ideas
by Orr, Robert R.
Atheistic Freedom and the International Society for the Suppression of Savage Customs: An Interpretation of Conrad’s Heart of Darkness
by Neumann, Harry
Volume 4 Issue 1 (Winter 1974)
Preliminary Observations of the Gods in Thucydides’ Work
by Strauss, Leo
Rembrandt and the Human Condition
by White, Howard
Nietzsche as Cosmologist: The Idea of the Eternal Recurrence as a Cosmological Doctrine and Some Aspects of its Relation to the Doctrine of the Will to Power
by Combee, Jerry H.
Arnold Toynbee: Nationalism as a “False God”
by Perry, Marvin
Volume 3 Issues 2 & 3 (Winter 1973)
Note on the Plan of Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and Evil
by Strauss, Leo
The Idea of Death in the Philosophy of Hegel
by Kojève, Alexandre
Remarks on the 1001 Nights
by Mahdi, Muhsin
An Introduction to Dante’s De Monarchia
by Peterman, Larry
Edmund Burke: The Psychology of Citizenship
by Adams, Larry I.
Human Emancipation and Revolution
by Rotenstreich, Nathan
Christian Ambiguity and Social Disorder
by Mead, Walter M.
Volume 3 Issue 1 (Fall 1972)
“An Exquisite Platform”: Utopia
by Brann, Eva
Gratitude, Nature, and Piety in King Lear
by Berns, Laurence
On the Induction of The Taming of the Shrew
by Caton, Hiram
“And In Its Wake We Followed” The Political Wisdom of Mark Twain
by Zuckert, Catherine, and Michael
Volume 2 Issue 3 (Spring 1972)
About Plato’s Philebus
by Klein, Jacob
Editor’s Corrections to the originally published article included.
On Corneille’s Horace
by Trafton, Dain A.
Tom Sawyer: Hero of Middle America
by Jaffa, Harry V.
The Dependence of Fact Upon ‘Value’
by Diamond, Martin
Volume 2 Issue 2 (Winter 1971)
Pleasure and Reason: Marcuse’s Idea of Freedom
by Rhodes, James M.
Freedom as an End of Politics
by Sasseen, Robert F.
On La Rochefoucauld: Preliminary Reflections
by Parsons, J.E., Jr.
Macbeth and the Tyrannical Man
by White, Howard B
Volume 2 Issue 1 (Summer 1971)
Philosophy as Rigorous Science and Political Philosophy
by Strauss, Leo
The Myth of Virgil’s Aeneid
by Klein, Jacob
On Plato’s Timaeus and Timaeus’ Science Fiction
by Benardete, Seth
Note on the Intention of James Harrington’s Political Art
by Wettergreen, John A.
Volume 1 Issue 2 (Winter 1970)
Bacon’s Wisdom of the Ancients
by White, Howard B.
On Descartes’ Discourse on Method
by Cropsey, Joseph
The Design of Montesquieu’s Considerations on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans and Their Decline
by Lowenthal, David
Considering Crusoe: Part II
by Schrock, Thomas S.
Self and Political Order
by Zetterbaum, Marvin
Volume 1 Issue 1 (Summer 1970)
On the Euthydemus
by Strauss, Leo
Hegel, Marx, and Christianity
by Kojève, Alexandre
An Interpretation of Plato’s Ion
by Bloom, Allan
Macbeth’s Last Words
by Benardete, Jose A.
Considering Crusoe: Part I
by Schrock, Thomas S.