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Volume 25 Issue 3 (Spring 1998)
The Book of Job: Translation and Commentary on Chapters 32 and 38
by Robert D. Sacks
T. A. M. Fontaine’s Account of Ibn Daud’s The Exalted Faith (Ha ‘Emunah HaRamah)
by Terence Kleven
Milton and the Declaration of Independence
by John Alvis
Locke’s Second Treatise and the Literature of Colonization
by Mark A. Michael
DISCUSSION Two Views of Laurence Lampert’s Leo Strauss and Nietzsche
by Lawrence Casse and Charles E. Butterworth
Vindicating the Founders, by Thomas G. West
by Christopher Flannery
Top of Page ↑
Volume 25 Issue 2 (Winter 1998)
The Book of Job: Translation and Commentary on Chapters 30 and 31
by Robert D. Sacks
Philosophy Statesmanship, and Pragmatism in Plato’s Euthydemus
by Tucker Landy
Fichte’s Deduction of Rights from Self-Consciousness
by Gary B. Herbert
On Catherine Zuckert’s Postmodern Platos and the Strauss-Gadamer Debate
by Walter Lammi
Response to Walter Lammi
by Catherine Zuckert
Collected Essays, by Ernest L. Fortin
by Francis Canavan
Francis Bacon and the Project of Progress, by Robert K. Faulkner
by Adam Schulman
Tocqueville’s Civil Religion, by Sanford Kessler
by John S. Waggoner
Arguing About Slavery, by William Lee Miller
by Scot J. Zentner
De Gaulle, by Daniel J. Mahoney
by Will Morrisey
Volume 25 Issue 1 (Fall 1997)
The Book of Job: Translation and Commentary on Chapters 15-29
by Robert D. Sacks
Poetic Justice for Plato’s Democracy?
by Waldemar Hanasz
John Locke and Cultural Relativism
by Bob Chase
Anachronism All Around: Quentin Skinner on Francisco Suarez
by Thomas S. Schrock
Déjà Jew All Over Again: Dannhauser on Leo Strauss and Atheism
by Hilail Gildin
Volume 24 Issue 3 (Spring 1997)
The Book of Job: Translation and Commentary
by Robert D. Sacks
‘A Soldier and Afeard’: Macbeth and the Gospelling of Scotland
by Paul A. Cantor
Rousseau’s Adventure with Robinson Crusoe
by Todd R. Flanders
Prescott’s Conquests: Anthropophagy, Auto-da-Fe, and Eternal Return
by Colin D. Pearce
The Speech that Changed the World
by Harry V. Jaffa
The End of Science, by John Horgan
by Alex Harvey
The Tragedy and Comedy of Life: Plato’s Philebus, by Seth Benardete
by Will Morrisey
Volume 24 Issue 2 (Winter 1997)
The Book of Job: Translation and Commentary
by Robert D. Sacks
Aristotle on Pleasure and Political Philosophy: A Study in Book VII of the Nicomachean Ethics
by Marc D. Guerra
Lessons from the Garden: Rousseau’s Solitaires and the Limits of Liberalism
by Mark S. Cladis
Nietzsche’s Impatience: The Spiritual Necessities of Nietzsche’s Politics
by Thomas Heilke
Profits, Priests, and Princes: Adam Smith’s Emancipation of Economics from Politics and Religion, by Peter Minowitz
by Eduardo A. Velásquez
Something to Hide, by Peter Levine
by Charles E. Butterworth
Jerusalem and Athens: Reason and Revelation in the Works of Leo Strauss, by Susan Orr
by Will Morrisey
Volume 24 Issue 1 (Fall 1996)
An Untitled Lecture on Plato’s Euthyphron
by Leo Strauss
The Specificity and Autonomy of Right by Alexandre Kojève,
Translated and with an Introduction by Bryan-Paul Frost and Robert Howse
An Overlooked Motive in Alcibiades’ Symposium Speech
by Gary Alan Scott and William A. Welton
The Problematic Character of Socrates’ Defense of Justice in Plato’s Republic
by In Ha Jang
Erotic Liberalism: Women and Revolution in Montesquieu’s Persian Letters, by Diana J. Schaub
by Will Morrisey
Volume 23 Issue 3 (Spring 1996)
How to Study Medieval Philosophy
by Leo Strauss; edited by David Bolotin, Christopher Bruell, and Thomas L. Pangle
The Book of Judges: The Israelite Tribal Federation and Its Discontents
by Daniel J. Elazar
Liberating Discourse: The Politics of Truth in Plato’s Gorgias
by Chris Rocco
Harris, Strauss, and Esotericism in Spinoza’s Tractatus Theologico-Politicus
by Paul J. Bagley
Rousseau’s Philosophic Dream
by Christopher Kelly
Allan Bloom and Thomas Aquinas on Eros and Immortality
by Michael Sweeney
Natural Right in the American Founding, Review Essay on Original Intent and the Framers of the Constitution: A Disputed Question, by Harry V. Jaffa
by Edward J. Erler
Plato’s World: Man’s Place in the Cosmos, by Joseph Cropsey
by Catherine Zuckert
The Republic of Letters: The Correspondence between Jefferson and Madison, 1776-1826, edited by James Morton Smith
by Morton J. Frisch
Modernity, Aesthetics, and the Quest for Political Consensus, Review of Homo Aestheticus: The Invention of Taste in the Democratic Age, by Luc Ferry
by Brian C. Anderson
Volume 23 Issue 2 (Winter 1996)
The Origins of Political Science and the Problem of Socrates
by Leo Strauss
Antiquing America: Ancient and Modern Republicanism Revisited
by Thomas K. Lindsay
Moby-Dick and Melville’s Quarrel with America
by John Alvis
Descartes Contra Averroes? The Problem of Faith and Reason in the Letter of Dedication to the Meditations
by Abraham Anderson
Volume 23 Issue 1 (Fall 1995)
The Fabric of the Longer Repeated Passages in the Odyssey
by John C. Kohl, Jr.
The Sage and the Sophist: A Commentary on Plato’s Lesser Hippias
by John R. Pottenger
Immanuel Kant: Punishment and the Political Precondition of Moral Existence
by Gary B. Herbert
DISCUSSION Political Theology? An Interpretation of Genesis (3:5, 22)
by Harry Neumann
Thirty-nine Reasons for Reading Benardete on the Republic, Review Essay on Socrates’ Second Sailing, by Seth Benardete
by Will Morrisey
Gendered Origins: Some Reflections, Review Essay on Fear of Diversity,by Arlene Saxonhouse
by Maureen Feder-Marcus
Statesmanship for the New Era, Review Essay on Traditions and Values in Politics and Diplomacy, by Kenneth Thompson
by David Clinton
The Public and the Private in Aristotle’s Political Philosophy, by Judith A. Swanson
by Ken Masugi
Black Holes & Time Warps, by Kip S. Thorne
by Alexander L. Harvey
Volume 22 Issue 3 (Spring 1995)
Two Lectures by Leo Strauss
Edited by David Bolotin, Christopher Bruell, Thomas L. Pangle
Plato’s Alcibiades I
by Mark Blitz
Aristotle on Tragedy: Rediscovering the Poetics
by Jacob A. Howland
DISCUSSION Aristotle on Detective Fiction
by Dorothy L. Sayers
Modern Man and Man Tout Court: The Flight from Nature and the Modern Difference, Review Essay on La Cité de l’homme, by Pierre Manent
by Daniel J. Mahoney
Volume 22 Issue 2 (Winter 1994-95)
The Cultural Predicament in Biblical Narrative
by Yuval Lurie
Whip, Whipped and Doctors: Homer’s Iliad and Camus’ The Plague
by Paula Reiner
Design in the Iliad Based on the Long Repeated Passages
by John C. Kohl, Jr.
The Political Philosophy of Aeschylus’s Prometheus Bound
by Judith A. Swanson
Pascal on Certainty and Utility
by John C. McCarthy
DISCUSSION Strengthening Social Contract Theory: Justice and Modern Moral Philosophy, by Jeffrey Reiman
by Will Morrisey
A Companion to Aristotle’s “Politics,” edited by David Keyt and Fred D. Miller, Jr.
by Leslie G. Rubin
The World of the Imagination: Sum and Substance, by Eva T. H. Brann
by Will Morrisey
Possibility, Necessity, and Existence: Abbagnano and His Predecessors, by Nino Langiulli
by Robert Sokolowski
The American Presidency: Origins and Development, 1776-1990, by Sidney M. Milkis and Michael Nelson
by Stephen M. Krason
Volume 22 Issue 1 (Fall 1994)
Bacon’s New Atlantis: The Christian Hope and the Modern Hope
by David C. Innes
Equality, Property, and the Problem of Partisanship: The Lockean Constitution as a Mixed Regime
by Peter C. Myers
Women in the Novels of Nathaniel Hawthorne
by Jeffrey J. Poelvoorde
The Wisdom of Exile: Edward Everett Hale’s ‘The Man without a Country’
by Colin D. Pearce
On Jacob Klein’s Greek Mathematical Thought and the Origin of Algebra
by Joseph Gonda
Leo Strauss and Classical Political Philosophy
by David Bolotin
Liberalism, by Harry Neumann
by Paul A. Basinski
Politics or Terror of Reason: Comments on Paul Basinski’s Review of Liberalism
by Harry Neumann
Volume 21 Issue 3 (Spring 1994)
Aristophanes’ Criticism of Egalitarianism: An Interpretation of The Assembly of Women
by Mark Kremer
The Comic Poet, the City, and the Gods: Dionysus’ Katabasis in the Frogs of Aristophanes
by Steven Forde
Virtue, Art, and the Good Life in Plato’s Protagoras
by Tucker Landy
Deceit, Desire, and the Dialectic: Plato’s Republic Revisited
by Nalin Ranasinghe
Reflections on Patriarchy and the Rebellion of Daughters in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice and Othello
by Olivia Delgado de Torres
On Hamlet’s Mousetrap
by Alfred Mollin
Wisdom and Fortune: The Education of the Prince in Shakespeare’s King Lear
by Joseph Alulis
King Lear
by David Lowenthal
John Rawls and the Flight from Authority: The Quest for Equality as an Exercise in Primitivism
by Glenn W. Olsen
The Roots of Political Philosophy: Ten Forgotten Socratic Dialogues, edited by Thomas L. Pangle
by Will Morrisey
Interpreting Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America,” edited by Ken Masugi
by John C. Koritansky
Volume 21 Issue 2 (Winter 1993-94)
Identifying Rhetoric in the Apology: Does Socrates Use the Appeal for Pity?
by Thomas Lewis
Reflections on and in Plato’s Cave
by Joel Warren Lidz
Aristotle’s Dialectical Purposes
by Bernard Jacobs
Rousseau Under Surveillance: Thoughts on a New Edition and Translation of Rousseau, Judge of Jean-Jacques: Dialogues
by Mary L. Bellhouse
Tocqueville on Socialism and History
by Peter Augustine Lawler
Carl Schmitt’s Quest for the Political: Theology, Decisionism, and the Concept of the Enemy
by Maurice Auerbach
DISCUSSION The End of History?
by Victor Gourevich
Self-Knowledge in Plato’s Phaedrus, by Charles L. Griswold, Jr.
by Will Morrisey
Citizens and Statesmen: A Study of Aristotle’s Politics, by Mary P. Nichols
by Leslie G. Rubin
The Liberal Political Science of Raymond Aron: A Critical Introduction, by Daniel J. Mahoney
by John S. Waggoner
Volume 21 Issue 1 (Fall 1993)
The Unnamed Fifth: Republic 369d
by Carl Page
Socrates on the Decline and Fall of Regimes: Books 8 and 9 of the Republic
by Patrick Coby
Gulliver’s Travels: The Stunting of a Philosopher
by Richard Burrow
Alf Layla wa Layla, The Arabian Nights, translated by Husain Haddawy
by Charles E. Butterworth
The Unvarnished Doctrine: Locke, Liberalism, and the American Revolution, by Steven M. Dworetz
by Michael P. Zuckert
Ecology, Community and Lifestyle, by Arne Naess
by Charles T. Rubin
An Index to Interpretation, Volumes 11 through 20
by Lucia Broyden Prochnow
Volume 20 Issue 3 (Spring 1993)
The Book of the Philosophic Life
by Abü Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al-Razi; Charles E. Butterworth (tr. & intro.)
The Origins of al-Razi’s Political Philosophy
by Charles E. Butterworth
Shakespeare’s Demonic Prince
by Grant B. Mindle
Shakespeare’s Richard III and the Soul of the Tyrant
by Morton J. Frisch
The Problem of Religion in Liberalism
by Richard Sherlock & Roger Barrus
Ethnicity and the Problem of Equality
by Kenneth C. Blanchard, Jr.
Volume 20 Issue 2 (Winter 1992-93)
Phaedrus’ Cosmology in the Symposium
by Charles Salman
The Images of Enslavement and Incommensurability in Plato’s Meno
by Jeffrey S. Turner
Rousseau’s Socratism: The Political Bearing of “On Theatrical Imitation”
by Leonard R. Sorenson
The First Crisis of Modernity: Leo Strauss on the Thought of Rousseau
by Hilail Gildin
Nietzsche, Spengler, and Politics of Cultural Despair
by John Farrenkopf
Tyranny: Ancient and Modern
by Leah Bradshaw
Empire of Liberty: The Statecraft of Thomas Jefferson, by Robert W. Tucker and David C. Hendrickson
by Will Morrisey
Reading Rousseau in the Nuclear Age, by Grace G. Roosevelt
by Christopher Kelly
Political Philosophy, Volume by Luc Ferry
by Terence E. Marshall
Volume 20 Issue 1 (Fall 1992)
A Study of Part I, Chapters 1-7 of Maimonides’ The Guide of the Perplexed
by Terence Kleven
Dante and Machiavelli: A Last Word
by Larry Peterman
The Empire of Progress: Bacon’s Improvement upon Machiavelli
by Robert K. Faulkner
Collingwood’s Embattled Liberalism
by James W. Muller
Individuals and Their Rights, by Tibor Machan
by Nino Langiulli
Volume 19 Issue 3 (Spring 1992)
The Education of Cyrus as Xenophon’s “Statesman”
by John Ray
Belfagor: Machiavelli’s Short Story
by Theodore A. Sumberg
John Locke’s Questions Concerning the Law of Nature: A Commentary
by Robert Horwitz; edited by Michael Zuckert
Looking at Carl Schmitt from the Vantage Point of the 1990s
by John H. Herz
Aristotle on the Human Good, by Richard Kraut
by Aristide Tessitore
Liberal Democracy and Political Science, by James W. Ceaser
by Will Morrisey
Volume 19 Issue 2 (Winter 1991-92)
Freedom and Constraints in Prometheus Bound
by Kenneth Dorter
Virtue and Knowledge: On Plato’s Protagoras
by Joseph Cropsey
Politics and Poetry: Aristotle’s Politics, Books VII and VIII
by Michael Davis
Misunderstanding and Understanding Hume’s Moral Philosophy: An Essay on Hume’s Place in Moral Philosophy, by Nicholas Capaldi
by Marie A. Martin
Kojève-Fessard Documents
by Hugh Gillis (translator)
The Place of Leo Strauss in a Liberal Education
by Glenn N. Schram
Questions Concerning the Law of Nature, by John Locke
by Will Morrisey
Volume 19 Issue 1 (Fall 1991)
Marx on Self-Consciousness, the City and the Gods
by Elliot Bartky
William Dean Howells’ ‘Poor Real Life’: The Royal Road to the American Character
by Thomas S. Engeman
The Relation Between Philosophy and Religion
by Laurence Berns
Discussion The Tempting of America: The Political Seduction of the Law, by Robert H. Bork
by Stanley C. Brubaker, Matthew J. Franck, and Ken Masugi
Winston S. Churchill on Empire, by Kirk Emmert
by Will Morrisey
Socrates in the Apology, by C.D.C. Reeve
by Patrick Coby
Natural Right and the American Imagination, by Catherine H. Zuckert
by Diana Schaub
Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics, by Martin Heidegger
by Schawlow
Volume 18 Issue 3 (Spring 1991)
1668 Appendix to Leviathan
by Thomas Hobbes, Translated with an Introduction and Notes by George Wright
DISCUSSION Souls Without Longing
by Michael Platt
The Constitution of 1787: A Commentary by George Anastaplo
by Timothy Fuller and J. Jackson Barlow
Volume 18 Issue 2 (Winter 1990-91)
Some Observations About Plato’s Phaedo
by Chaninah Maschler
The Serious Play of Plato’s Euthydemus
by David Roochnik
The Wisdom of Plato’s Aristophanes
by Charles Salman
David Hume’s Theology of Liberation
by Roger M. Barrus
Jeffersonian Ethics in Foreign Affairs: John Quincy Adams and the Moral Sentiments of a Realist
by Greg Russell
Feminist Theory and Its Discontents
by Daryl McGowan Tress
DISCUSSION Reply to Lowenthal
by Christopher A. Colmo
Time, Freedom, and the Common Good: An Essay in Public Philosophy, by Charles Sherover
by Maureen Feder-Marcus
Volume 18 Issue 1 (Fall 1990)
Some Remarks on the Political Science of Maimonides and Farabi
by Leo Strauss, translated by Robert Bartlett
On Ancients and Moderns
by Joseph Cropsey
Rethinking the Diodotean Argument
by Laurie M. Johnson
Socrates and Alcibiades: Eros, Piety, and Politics
by Jacob A. Howland
Plato’s Three Waves and the Question of Utopia
by Drew A. Hyland
Beggars and Kings: Cowardice and Courage in Shakespeare’s Richard II
by Pamela K. Jensen
Reason and Revelation in the Thought of Leo Strauss
by Christopher A. Colmo
DISCUSSION Comment on Colmo
by David Lowenthal
Taming the Prince: The Ambivalence of Modern Executive Power, by Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr.
by Will Morrisey
Volume 17 Issue 3 (Spring 1990)
Zarathustra’s Dancing Dialectic
by Waller R. Newell
Was Tocqueville a Philosopher?: The Distinctiveness of His View of Liberty
by Peter Augustine Lawler
Civil Religion in Tocqueville’s Democracy in America
by John C. Koritansky
Madison’s Party Press Essays
by Colleen A. Sheehan
Reading Vico Three Times
by Theodore A. Submerge
Volume 17 Issue 2 (Winter 1989-90)
Nietzsche’s Politics
by Leslie Paul Thiele
Rousseau on Reading ‘Jean-Jacques’: The Dialogues
by Christopher Kelly and Roger D. Masters
Christianity and Politics in Montesquieu’s Greatness and Decline of the Romans
by Richard Myers
Made by Contrivance and Consent of Men: Abstract Principle and Historical Fact in Locke’s Political Philosophy
by Govert den Hartogh
Volume 17 Issue 1 (Fall 1989)
Thomas Aquinas and the Reform of Christian Education
by Ernest L. Fortin
The Citizen Philosopher: Rousseau’s Dedicatory Letter to the Discourse on Inequality
by Michael Palmer
The Concerns of Odysseus: An Introduction to the Odyssey
by David Bolotin
Edmund Burke and the American Constitution
by Morton J. Frisch
Seeing Justice Done: Aeschylus’ Oresteia
by Mera J. Flaumenhaft
Evolutionary Biology and Naturalism
by Roger D. Masters
The Fundamental Constitution of Carolina As a Tool for Lockean Scholarship
by Celia McGuiness
On David Johnston
by William Mathie
On Ann Hartle
by Chanukah Maschler
Volume 16 Issue 3 (Spring 1989)
Macbeth: Shakespeare Mystery Play
by David Lowenthal
Antimodernism in Nineteenth-Century Basle: Franz Overbeck’s Antitheology and J. J. Bachofen’s Antiphilology
by Lionel Gossman
Love and Politics in Xenophon’s Cyropaedia
by Leslie G. Rubin
Eric Voegelin on the Truth of On-Between Life: A Meditation on Existential Unrest
by Greg Russell
Bacon’s Myth of Orpheus: Power as a Goal of Science in Of the Wisdom of the Ancients
by Timothy H. Paterson
Gaston Fessard and the Nature of Authority
by Hugh Gillis
Tocqueville on Sexual Morality
by Sanford Kessler
The Crisis of Liberal Democracy: A Straussian Perspective edited by Kenneth L. Deutsch and Walter Soffer
by Will Morrisey
Alexis de Tocqueville: Selected Letters on Politics and Society edited by Roger Boesche and Alexis de Tocqueville and
The New Science of Politics by John C. Koritansky
by Michael P. Zuckert
Volume 16 Issue 2 (Winter 1988-89)
On Pleasure and the Human Good: Plato’s Philebus
by Joseph Cropsey
Deliberate Belief and Digging Holes: Joseph Conrad and the Problem of Restraint
by J.P. Geise & L.A. Lange
The Discourse on the Origin and the Foundations of Inequality among Men: On the Intention of Rousseau’s Most Philosophical Work
by Heinrich Meier; translated by J. Harvey Lomax
Mill’s Dilemmas
by Frederick J. Crosson
Republic, Book II, and the Origins of Political Philosophy
by Drew A. Hyland
Philosophy as Noblest Idolatry in Paradise Lost
by John Alvis
Machiavelli’s Castruccio Castracani
by Theodore A. Sumberg
Xenophon and his Socrates
by Christopher Buell
Volume 16 Issue 1 (Fall 1988)
Aristotle’s Political Presentation of Socrates in the Nicomachean Ethics
by Aristide Tessitore
Rousseau’s Pure State of Nature
by Victor Gourevitch
Tocqueville’s Perspective: Democracy in America: In Search of the ‘New Science of Politics’
by Wilhelm Hennis
An Account of Recent Scholarship in Medieval Islamic Philosophy
by Charles Butterworth
DISCUSSION “The Closing of the American Mind”: Five Essay-Reviews of Allan Bloom’s Book
Socratic Reason and Lockean Rights: The Place of the University in a Liberal Democracy
by William A. Galston
Humanizing Certitudes and Impoverishing Doubts: A Critique of The Closing of the American Mind, by Allan Bloom
by Harry V. Jaffa
Philosophy, Science, and the Opening of the American Mind
by Roger D. Masters
How Bloom Did It: Rhetoric and Principle in The Closing of the American Mind
by Will Morrisey
The Closing of the Philosophic Mind: A Review of Bloom’s Closing of the American Mind
by Harry Neumann

Volume 15 Issues 2 & 3 (May & Sept. 1987)
Man and Nature in Plato’s Phaedo
by K.L. Yeager
The Theaetetus and the Possibility of False Opinion
by David Bolotin
Tacitus’ Teaching and the Decline of Liberty at Rome (Chapters 3 to 7)
by James C. Leake
Credulity and Curiosity in A Tale of a Tub
by Richard Burrow
Pluralism, the Public Good and the Problem of Self-Government in The Federalist
by Kenneth L. Grasso
On the Wisdom of Nathan
by Chaninah Maschler
Robert H. Horwitz, 1923-1987
by Will Morrisey
The Fate of the Self, by Stanley Corngold
by Will Morrisey
Volume 15 Issue 1 (January 1987)
Equality, Liberty, Wisdom, Morality and Consent in the Idea of Political Freedom
by Harry V. Jaffa
Socratic Rhetoric and Socratic Wisdom in Plato’s Phaedrus
by John C. Koritansky
Tacitus’ Teaching and the Decline of Liberty at Rome (Preface, Introduction, and Chapters 1 and 2)
by James C. Leake
DISCUSSION The Moral Foundations of the American Republic
by Palmela K. Jensen
Delimiting Philosophy
by Will Morrisey
Volume 14, Issues 2 & 3 (May & Sept. 1986)
The Dramatic End of Plato’s Socrates
by Joseph Cropsey
Philosophy, Education, and Courage in Plato’s Laches
by Charles Griswold, Jr.
Refutative Rhetoric as True Rhetoric in the Gorgias
by Thomas J. Lewis
How to Read the Consolation of Philosophy
by Thomas F. Curley III
The Armed Founder versus the Catonic Hero: Machiavelli and Rousseau on Popular Leadership
by Joseph Masciulli
Reason and Rhetoric in Hobbes’s Leviathan
by William Mathie
Rousseau versus the Savoyard Vicar: The Profession of Faith Considered
by Peter Emberley
Alexander Hamilton on Natural Rights and Prudence
by Mackubin Thomas Owens, Jr.
Autonomous Morality and the Idea of the Noble
by Peter Simpson
Faith and Reason in Contemporary Perspective Apropos of a Recent Book
by Ernest L. Fortin
On Eco’s The Name of the Rose
by Joseph J. Carpino
Affirmative Action, Liberalism, and Teleology: On Nichoilas Capaldi’s Out of Order
by Nino Langiulli
The Most Recent Thinking of Jürgen Habermas
by Robert R. Sullivan
Jerusalem versus Athens
by Paul Eidelberg
How Does the Constitution Secure Rights? Edited by Robert A. Goldwin & William A. Schambraby
by Will Morrisey
Freedom of Expression, by Francis Canavan
by Will Morrisey
Philosophical Apprenticeships, by Hans-Georg Gadamer
by Joan Stambaugh
Volume 14 Issue 1 (January 1986)
Lessing’s Ernst and Falk, Dialogues for Freemasons: A Translation with Notes
by Chaninah Maschler (tr.)
“Exoteric Teaching” edited by Kenneth Hart Green
by Leo Strauss
Progress and Commerce in Anglo-American Thought: The Social Philosophy of Adm Ferguson
by Ronald Hamowy
S. T. Coleridge Replies to Adam Smith’s ‘Pernicious Opinion’: A Study in Hermetic Social Engineering
by David Levy
Shakespeare and His Roman Plays: Studies by Cantor, Platt, and Blits
by Will Morrissey
Setting the Seal on Marxist Criticism
by Stephen H. Balch
Volume 13 Issue 3 (September 1985)
Leo Strauss’s Studies in Platonic Political Philosophy
by David Lowenthal
Socratic Teaching and Justice: Plato’s Clitophon
by Jan H. Blits
Individuation and Commonality in Feuerbach’s “Philosophy of Man”
by Kit R. Christensen
John Stuart Mill: The Reformer Reformed
by Allan D. Nelson
Appropriation and Understanding in the History of Political Philosophy: On Quentin Skinner’s Method
by Michael P. Zuckert
Locke’s Education for Liberty, by Nathan Tarcov
by J.E. Parsons, Jr.
The Modern Self in Rousseau’s Confession: A Reply to St. Augustine, by Ann Hartle
by Charles Butterworth
Hume’s Philosophy of Common Life, by Donald W. Livingston
by Nicholas Capaldi
Selected Letters of Edmund Burke edited and with an introduction, by Harvey C. Mansfield, Jr.
by Francis Canavan
American Conservatism and the American Founding, by Harry V. Jaffa
by Dennis Teti
Volume 13 Issue 2 (May 1985)
Socratic Eironeia
by Ronna Burger
Rousseau and the Management of the Passions
by Peter Emberley
Virtue and Individual Rights in John Adams’ Defence
by Robert Webking
The Meaning of ‘Will’ in Hegel’s Philosophy of Right
by Donald J. Maletz
Forward for “The Politics of Alain” by Yves R. Simon
by Vukan Kuic
“The Politics of Alain” translated by John M. Dunaway
by Yves R. Simon
Leo Strauss and Liberal Education
by Walter Nicgorski
Beyond Nihilism: Nietzsche without Masks, by Ofelia Schutte
by Maureen Feder-Marcus
Dialogue and Dialectic: Eight Hermeneutical Studies on Plato, by Hans-Georg Gadamer, translated and with an Introduction by P. Christopher Smith
by Richard Velkley
The Artist as a Thinker: From Shakespeare to Joyce by George Anastaplo
by Larry Arnhart
Eighty Years of Locke Scholarship: A Bibliographical Guide by Roland Hall & Roger Woolhouse;
John Locke’s Moral Philosophy, by John Colman
by J.E. Parsons, Jr.
Volume 13 Issue 1 (January 1985)
Socrates’ Critique of Hedonism: A Reading of the Philebus
by David Bolotin
The Net of Hephaestus: Aristophanes’ Speech in Plato’s Symposium
by Arlene W. Saxonhouse
An Interpretation of Plato’s Euthyphro (Part I, Section 4, to end)
by Marlo Lewis, Jr.
An Introduction to Hegel’s ‘Introduction’ to the Philosophy of Right
by Donald J. Maletz
On Laughter
by Joseph J. Carpino
DISCUSSION De Gaulle as a Political Thinker: On Morrisey’s Reflections on De Gaulle
by Angelo M. Codevilla
Reply to Codevilla
by Will Morrisey
Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature, by Richard Rorty
by Nino Langiulli