Natural Religion in Montesquieu’s Persian Letters and The Spirit of the Laws
by Ian Dagg
Aristotle’s “Reply” to Machiavelli on Morality
by David N. Levy
“Deceived by the Glory of Caesar”: Humility and Machiavelli’s Founder
by Ashleen Menchaca-Bagnulo
Mastery of Nature, edited by Svetozar Y. Minkov and Bernhardt L. Trout
by Marco Andreacchio
The Eccentric Core, edited by Ronna Burger and Patrick Goodin
by Alex Priou
The Banality of Heidegger by Jean-Luc Nancy
by David Lewis Schaefer
The Techne of Giving by Timothy C. Campbell
reviewed by Victor Bruno
Orwell Your Orwell by David Ramsay Steele
reviewed by Jonathan Culp
Becoming Socrates by Alex Priou
reviewed by Fred Erdman
Roman Political Thought by Jed W. Atkins
reviewed by David Fott
The Idol of Our Age by Daniel J. Mahoney
reviewed by Steven H. Frankel
Leo Strauss on Nietzsche’s Thrasymachean-Dionysian Socrates by Angel Jaramillo Torres
reviewed by Michael Harding
Aristocratic Souls in Democratic Times, edited by Richard Avramenko and Ethan Alexander-Davey
reviewed by Marjorie Jeffrey
The Bleak Political Implications of Socratic Religion by Shadia B. Drury
reviewed by Peter Minowitz
Mary Shelley and the Rights of the Child by Eileen Hunt Botting
reviewed by Charles T. Rubin
From Oligarchy to Republicanism by Forrest A. Nabors
reviewed by Thomas Schneider
The Legitimacy of the Human by Rémi Brague
reviewed by Stephen Sims