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On Higher Education and the Crisis of Our Time: A Lecture by Leo Strauss
by Hannes Kerber & Svetozar Y. Minkov
Philosophy, Politics, and Rhetoric in Cicero’s On the Orator
by David Fott
“Solomon’s Science”: Spinoza on the Possibility and Limits of Ancient Philosophy
by Robert Wyllie
Montaigne and the Theological-Political Problem
by Erfan Xia
“Satanic,” “An Atheistic Doctrine of Woman”: A Review of Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex (1951)
by Ida Friederike Görres
Flannery O’Connor and the Perils of Governing by Tenderness by Jerome C. Foss
by Ralph C. Wood
What Happened to Civility: The Promise and Failure of Montaigne’s Modern Project by Ann Hartle
by Angela Knobel
Leo Strauss and Islamic Political Thought by Rasoul Namazi
by Alexander Orwin