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Leo Strauss, “On the Wisdom of the Ancients / Some Remarks on Hesiod”
by Emmanuel Patard
Leo Strauss, “Hesiod and Pre-Socratics”
by Emmanuel Patard
The Ambivalence of Laughter: Carnival and Politics in Dostoevsky’s Devils
by Erik Cleve & Peter B. Josephson
Genesis 1 and Genesis 2: Interpreting the Beginnings
by Mark Glouberman
Book Reviews
Jordan T. Cash The Isolated Presidency
by Kevin J. Burns
Peter Kalkavage, Music and the Idea of a World
by Shawn Phillip Cooper
Connor Barry, Paradigm, Logos, and Myth in Plato’s “Sophist” and “Statesman”
by Catherine Craig
Alex Priou, Musings on Plato’s “Symposium”
by Paul Diduch
Robert A. Ballingall, Plato’s Reverent City: The Laws and the Politics of Authority
by Robert Goldberg