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Legal Positivism and the Problem of Law’s Generality in Plato’s Minos
by Lewis Fallis
Humanism Is Not Enough: Leo Strauss’s Introduction to Thoughts on Machiavelli
by Joy Samad
Symposium on Helfer’s Plato
Plato’s Letters: The Political Challenges of the Philosophic Life by Ariel Helfer
Mark Lutz, Eric Buzzetti, Benjamin Lorch, Gregory McBrayer, & Ariel Helfer
Review Essay
Laurence Lampert, The Beijing Lectures
by Matthew Dean
Book Reviews
Martin Heidegger, Introduction to Philosophy
by Karl von der Luft
Constantine Christos Vassiliou, Moderate Liberalism and the Scottish Enlightenment: Montesquieu, Hume, Smith and Ferguson
by Scott Yenor