Volume 49, Issue 2, Winter 2023



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Essays in Honor of Christopher Kelly

Contributors to This Issue

by Eve Grace

The Case Against (and For) Gulliver: An Introduction to Gulliver’s Travels
by Timothy Brennan

Wollstonecraft, Mill, and Rousseau on the Subjection of Men
by Kimberley J. Burns, Daniel E. Burns

Beauty in Love and Speaking of Love: Lessons from the Phaedrus
by Robert Faulkner

Rousseau and the Metamorphoses of the I
by Claude Habib

“My Entire Philosophy”: The Project of Rousseau’s Lettres morales
by Ryan Patrick Hanley

The Victory of Sophistry in Plato’s Theaetetus
by Henry Higuera

Pascal and Rousseau
by Pierre Manent

A Socratic Pedagogy? Rousseau’s Response to D’Offreville
by Jean-François Perrin

Burke and the Politics of the Sublime (and Beautiful)
by Susan Meld Shell

Prospero’s Art: On Shakespeare’s The Tempest
by Nicholas C. Starr

Literary Theory in Henry Fielding’s Jonathan Wild
by John Uhr