Philosophy as Awareness of Fundamental Problems, or Leo Strauss’s Debt to Heidegger’s Aristotle
by Rodrigo Chacón
Why a World State Is Unnecessary: The Continuing Debate on World Government
by W. Julian Korab-Karpowicz
Reading Benardete: A New Parmenides
by Laurence Lampert
An Exchange: Nietzsche’s Final Teaching Ronald Beiner and Charles U. Zug
by Michael Allen Gillespie
On Nietzsche’s Final Teaching: A Response to My Critics
by Michael Allen Gillespie
Developing a Nietzschean Account of Musical Form: A Rejoinder to Michael Gillespie’s Response
by Charles U. Zug
What Is Wrong with Human Rights? La loi naturelle et les droits de l’homme by Pierre Manent
reviewed by José A. Colen
For Humanism, edited by David Alderson and Robert Spencer
reviewed by Marco Andreacchio
Tyrants: A History of Power, Injustice, and Terror by Waller R. Newell
reviewed by Bernard J. Dobski
James Madison and Constitutional Imperfection by Jeremy D. Bailey
reviewed by Jerome C. Foss
The Virtue Ethics of Levi Gersonides by Alexander Green
reviewed by Raymond Hain
Public Intellectuals in the Global Arena: Professors or Pundits?, edited by Michael C. Desch
reviewed by Richard Jordan
Fate and Freedom in the Novels of David Adams Richards by Sara MacDonald and Barry Craig
reviewed by Mary Mathie
“Philosophie und Religion”: Schellings Politische Philosophie by Ryan Scheerlinck
reviewed by Tyler Tritten